Top 10 Skin Care Secrets from Professional Dermatologists

Skin Care Secrets
Skin Care

Setting a skincare routine is a good thing and choosing effective products can be overwhelming. Having too much and conflicting information about skincare can complicate the process even further. Therefore, we have collected these carefully selected tips from our dermatologists to help you in taking proper care of your skin.

1. Regularly assess your skin type

With increasing age, many changes occur for the skin as well as for the body. The skin at the age of thirty or forty is different from what it was at the age of adolescence. In general, with age, the skin becomes drier and the production of natural oils in the skin decreases. So even if you had oily skin during your teenage years, this does not guarantee oily skin with age. Additionally, skincare products that were effective during adolescence may backfire with your skin with age.

Therefore, you must consider the changes that occur in the skin and determine its requirements based on these changes. For example, the products best suited to your skin after the age of thirty must contain salicylic acid or sulfuric acid, as these products cleanse the skin effectively without removing the skin’s natural moisture or causing it to dry out.

2. Avoid excessive use of skin products

Often times, we may use many lotions intensively, thinking that this may give us faster results in removing wrinkles and repairing imperfections and skin problems. But the truth is, this could be completely counter-productive. Skin specialist says,” Heavy use of these products may cause skin irritation, especially when used on small areas of the skin. The biggest example of this is retinoids, which are a powerful remedy for wrinkles and acne”. But excessive use of this substance causes significant skin irritation.

3. The appearance of your skin is a reflection of what you eat

For skin to look healthy on the outside, the body also needs to be healthy on the inside.  Among the most important foods beneficial for the skin, according to expert recommendations, we mention:

Fruits and vegetables: They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants to repair skin damage. It also contains large amounts of water, sufficient to moisturize the skin and keep it from drying out.

Omega-6 fatty acids: They are found in sunflower oil.

Green tea: One of the most powerful antioxidants to combat aging and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

4. Moisturizing and sun protection

Moisturizer plays an important role in skincare by helping skin retain moisture, looking healthier, and more supple. You should choose a moisturizer that is specifically designed for your skin type. Individuals with acne-prone skin may be surprised that they need a moisturizer, as many acne treatments dry out and inflame the skin. You should also protect your skin from UV rays, which cause signs of aging and skin cancer. For best results, you can use a moisturizing cream combined with a sunblock cream with an SPF of at least 30.

5. Helping to regenerate skin cells

Exfoliation helps remove the outer layer of dead skin cells, improving the appearance of your skin. It also helps remove excess pigmentation from exposure to sunlight that causes age spots. Plus, it removes dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause acne.

6. Use of skin-softening products

Skin exposure to various environmental factors including sun, wind, and pollution can cause skin irritation, inflammation, and sensitivity. In addition to expanding blood vessels and redness of the skin. It is preferable to use preparations that contain natural ingredients such as chamomile, licorice, vitamins C and E, aloe vera, and zinc.

7. Stimulate collagen-building

Collagen is the natural substance that keeps skin plump as well as keeping it supple and smooth. Fortunately, some topical ingredients can help boost collagen production in skin cells. Among the most important of these substances are vitamin C, retinol, alpha hydroxy acids, and aloe vera.

8. Clean the skin twice daily

If you have oily skin, you may be tempted to cleanse your skin several times a day to remove dirt and oils. But over-washing the skin can be harmful to it because it removes the skin’s protective oily layer. As a result, the skin becomes more vulnerable to environmental damage and infections. To avoid this, use a cleanser that is gentle and suitable for your skin type only twice a day.

9. Using treatments to care for wrinkles at a young age

To delay the appearance of wrinkles, we recommend that you protect your skin from the sun’s rays, eat foods rich in antioxidants and use anti-wrinkle creams after the age of thirty.

10. Focus on caring for areas other than the face

The lips, hands, and neck all of these areas are also prone to irritation, dryness, sun damage, and premature aging. Therefore, these areas must be taken care of as appropriate.

Lips: The lips tend to be thinner with age, and lip care requires the use of a moisturizing lip balm, to be used daily.

Hands: Sunblock creams should be used on the hands just like the face. Also, the area around the nails must be taken care of, especially after using nail polish removers. Also, make sure to use moisturizing hand creams and oils at the end of each day.

Neck: Face care products are also suitable for use on the neck. So you can extend your face care range to the neck area as well.

Enjoying healthy flawless skin may require you to pay attention to many things