The Impact of Social Media on Children’s Mental Health

As time passes, the world has been connecting digitally and social media has become an integral part of everyone’s life. Although it brings many benefits like the opportunity to learn, socialize, make networks online across the globe, and self-expression, it still has some significant challenges, especially for adolescents and children. Mostly children’s mental health could be affected because they know the exact use of social media and how they can utilize it effectively instead of becoming addicted without any specific reason. As educators and parents, it’s our role to guide our beloved children. To guide properly, we have to understand how social media is affecting the mental health of children. Here is a detailed article on how to recognize the impact properly.  

The rise of social media among children

The development of new apps like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat is the main cause of children’s attention capture. Children as young as 8 years old are increasingly staying online on apps, connecting with peers, and becoming a part of a community that is working beyond their age. The accessibility of smartphones is the main reason for the increasing addiction to social media in children. According to studies, 45% of ages between 10-12 children have cell phones and most of them use phones to access social apps. This rise of addiction to social media in children has made parents concerned because of excessive screen time and consuming content of the far side of their age. Parents can take consultation from Child therapist  as well if notice situations are going beyond their control.

Positive effect of social media on mental health 

Despite the concerning effects of social media on the mind, some benefits also exist, which can’t be ignored as follows:

Building social connections

Social media allow children to socialize with society, friends, family, and special the ones who live far away. Social media strengthens relationships and keeps in touch with loved ones. It also provides the opportunity to build relations with new ones with similar interests.

Encouraging creativity 

Social platforms like TikTok and YouTube give opportunities the children to showcase their talents like dancing, storytelling painting, etc. This creative activity will boost the self-esteem and give a sense of accomplishment. Social media is a pool of learning by experiencing new trends, children can follow the trend in their own creative way and will learn how they can present his/her skills to the world. 

Access of information

Social media is a good source of gaming knowledge and information regarding any topic. From science experiments to mental health advice, social media has a wealth of knowledge for the seekers. Children can become competent on the same piece of paper from different mentors.  

Negative effects of social media on mental health 

Good and bad are both aspects of life. Where positivity relies there negativity also exists. Social media also has some negative effects on the mental health of children as follows: 

Increased anxiety and depression 

Studies have shown that extra usage of social apps builds anxiety and increases the depression level in children’s minds. Constant exposure to diversity of knowledge can lead to feelings of inadequacy and become a cause of lower self-esteem. 


Cyberbullying is one of the darkest valleys of social media where no one ever wants to walk. Children who experience cyberbullying may face mental health challenges from emotional and psychological aspects and prefer to become isolated from the world. It can destroy the overall personality of a child by listening only to negative terms consistently 

Disturbed sleep patterns 

With excessive screen time, the sleeping schedule of a child can be disturbed. Poor sleep is directly linked with mental health which results in a lack of concentration and mood swings. 

Fomo (fear of missing out)

The constant changes in trends and new occurring events can create a feeling of fear of missing out in a child which increases the stress level and stay alert for getting notifications from social media. 

Body image concerns 

Platforms like Snapchat and TikTok which emphasize visual content can develop body image issues among children. Their fake filters have set beauty standards which increases the depression level in children to look like a person they idealize online. 

How parents and educators can help 

With the right strategies, parents can reduce the negative impact on children’s mental health. There are several ways in which parents and educators can adapt:

Set boundaries

Make a timetable set limits for usage of screen time and encourage children to get involved in offline activities to balance their use of social media. Experts suggest that screen time in children between the ages of 8-12 should be no more than 2 hours. 

Open communication 

Encourage children to talk openly and share about their online experiences. Discuss the positive and negative effects of social media with children and guide them on how they can make informed choices. 

Monitor online activity 

While respecting privacy, still parents should have an eye on the platform from which their children consume most of the content. Parents control and monitoring strategies can create a safer online environment. 

Encourage positive content 

Ask the children to the activities which promote possibly, creativity, and education. The social app feed with uplifting content can help distract their focus from the negative influences of social media 

Promote digital literacy 

Teach children about social media usage with privacy and security. Guide them on how they can utilize social media and keep their information secure and private and what actions they could take in any hazardous situation. Teach them not to hesitate in case of any mental health issue and can seek help from the best psychologist if needed.

The role of social media platforms

Social media companies can also play a role in providing better experiences for children. Many platforms have begun implementing some strategies like 

  • Age restrictions
  • Educational campaigns
  • Content moderation
  • Wellness features


The impact of social media on children’s minds can be both positive and negative. Social media provides learning opportunities and also opens the door to cyberbullying etc. However by limiting screen time and open communication can help in improving the better mental health.